
2008-02-10 4:21 am


1. relieve
2. capable
3. concentrate
4. faded
5. depression
6. feasted
7. deserve

回答 (4)

2008-02-10 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. relieve-----緩和,減輕;解除
to set free from an obligation, condition, or restriction
2. capable------有能力的,能幹的,有才華的
having attributes required for performance or accomplishment
3. concentrate------ 集中;聚集,集結
to bring or direct toward a common center or objective
4. faded-----凋謝,枯萎
to lose freshness, strength, or vitality
5. depression------沮喪,意氣消沈
a state of feeling sad
6. feasted------盛宴款待
to give a feast for
7. deserve------應受,該得
to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital
8. unconscious------不省人事的,失去知覺的
not marked by conscious thought, sensation, or feeling
參考: p.s.其實每一個字都有好多解釋,唔知係咪你想要果個................希望都幫到你=)
2008-02-10 6:46 pm
1. relieve1. 解除
2. capable2. 可勝任
3. concentrate3. 集中
4. faded4. 褪色
5. depression5. 消沉
6. feasted6. 赴宴
7. deserve7. 該當
8.unconscious 8.失去知覺的
2008-02-10 4:27 pm
If you want to improve your English, you should do it by yourselves. And, it's easy to check it out.
You could go to ->
1) the Yahoo Dictionary (which contain Chinese meaning)

2)Dictionary.com (only English explanation)

: )
2008-02-10 6:44 am
1 。紓緩
2 。能幹
3 。集中
4 。褪色
5 。抑鬱症
6 。宴請
7 。值得

2008-02-09 22:45:52 補充:
relievevt.1. 緩和,減輕;解除 The fund is for relieving distress among the flood victims. 這筆款項是用於解救洪水災民的困苦的。 2. 換...的班,接替 The guard will be relieved at midnight. 守衛將在半夜換班。

2008-02-09 22:47:24 補充:
capablea.1. 有...的能力,能夠(做)...的[F][(+of)] She is capable of judging works of art. 她有鑑賞藝術品的能力。 2. 有能力的,能幹的,有才華的 He is a very capable administrator. 他是個十分能幹的行政人員。 3. 有...的可能性,做得出...的[F][(+of)] This passage is capable of various interpretations. 這段話可以有各種的解釋。

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