幫我釋左佢做英文呀 ! 吾該 !

2008-02-10 12:36 am
這本書令我感受到以天空為背景襯托出香港建築物的輪廓是多麼美的 .

絕不遜色於外國瑰麗堂煌的著名建築 .

用 { 東方之珠 } 來形容香港真是再適合不過 .


回答 (2)

2008-02-13 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

這本書令我感受到以天空為背景襯托出香港建築物的輪廓是多麼美的 .
The book enables me to appreciate the true beauty of the skyline of Hong Kong set against the vast sky.

絕不遜色於外國瑰麗堂煌的著名建築 .
(Its) beauty rivals the most magnficent architectural works in other countries.

用 { 東方之珠 } 來形容香港真是再適合不過 .
There are no better words than "the pearl of the orient" to describe the beauty of Hong Kong.

Unfortunately, any subtle details of beauitful things in life appear to have been overrun by the hustle and bustle of the city life here, where no one is allowed to settle down and keep a clear mind.

2008-02-10 6:50 am
This book makes me feel serves as contrast the Hong Kong building take the sky as the background the outline is how beautiful.

This is not inferior to the foreign magnificent hall bright
famous construction.

With {Pearl of the Orient} described Hong Kong really is suits again only.

Was only a pity lives the subtle detail all gave the metropolis person's rapidly step, the disorderly train of thought is neglected.
參考: 我ge腦

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