Romantic Period

2008-02-09 11:05 pm
1. The characteristics of Romantic music are :
greater freedom of f_____ and d_____; greater contrasts of l_____ and s_____ in the music; and more powerful expression of e_____and f_____.2. The most important developments during this period are ; a_____ songs, short pieces for the p_____, p_____ music, o_____, b_____ and n_____ music.3. The Romantic music was deeply influenced by themes from p_____, natural s_____, l_____ and painting.

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2008-02-10 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
The characteristics of Romantic music are :

greater freedom of form and design; greater contrasts of loudness and softness in the music; and more powerful expression of emotions and feelings.

The most important developments during this period are ; Art songs, short pieces for the poem, programme music, orchestral, chamber and national music.

The Romantic music was deeply influenced by themes from poems, natural sounds, literature and painting.

****The above answers are possible suggested answers only and only represent part of the characterics of the Romantic period music. Please do not copy my answer!!*****

2008-02-12 22:15:04 補充:
Happy Lunar New Year!!!

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