how to write a story

2008-02-09 10:49 pm
teacher tell me to write a story, but is short story.

回答 (5)

2008-02-10 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
一個典型的短故事, 主要有以下4個部份或4個段落:

(1) Introduction (第一段: 介紹段落) - 介紹主要人物及背景
(2) Beginning of adventure (歷險的開始)
(3) Development of story (故事的發展)
(4) Ending of story (結尾或結局)


(1) Introduction (第一段: 介紹段落): 介紹主要人物及背景, 通常係主角先, 例如:

There was once a very rich man, named Pierre, who gave his three daughters everything they wanted.
(Beauty & the Beast Pg.3 - illustrated by Victor Tavares)

從前有一個非常有錢的人, 名叫Pierre, 他給予他的3個女兒所有她們想要的.


Over one hundred years ago, there lived a man named Phileas Fogg. For many years, he led a very quiet life. He spent every day at his club, which was where rich men went to meet their friends.

(Around the World in Eighty Days Pg.3 illustrated by Adam Stower)

一百年前, 有一個人名叫Phileas Fogg, 很多年來, 他都過着很平靜的生活. 他每天都在自已的會所裏消磨時間, 而這會所亦是他們這些有錢人互相見面的地方.

(2) Beginning of adventure (故事發展的開頭), 以一個簡短的故事來說, 通常是述說主角開始一個旅程或出外辦差事之類, 例如可這樣寫:

Pierre waved goodbye to his daughters and galloped away on his sleek white horse.

(Beauty & the Beast Pg.6 - illustrated by Victor Tavares)

Pierre 向他的女兒揮手說再見, 並策着他那光潤毛色的白馬而去.

(3) Development of story

跟着是故事發展下去的描寫, 你要為主角這次歷程加點地方與及人物的相遇, 而這些情節要令讀者覺得主角遇到難題, 那樣讀者才會投入去看, 例如:

As he rode, a thick fog filled the air. Pierre couldn't see the path ahead, or even his horse below him.

(Beauty & the Beast Pg.6 - illustrated by Victor Tavares)

當他策騎的時候, 突然煙霧彌漫, Pierre 不能夠看見他前面的路, 甚至他下面的馬.

(4) Ending of Story

通常寫主角到了最後解決了問題, 快樂地生活下去.
參考: Beauty & the Beast (illustrated by Victor Tavares) + Around the World in Eighty Days (illustrated by Adam Stower)
2010-01-27 1:39 am
2008-02-10 5:01 am
use big 6
2008-02-09 11:57 pm
You better read more simple English fictions and those books can improve your imagination, writing skills, vocabularies, also through reading you can find a lot of funs! I think write a story is not difficult and this time you just to have complet a short work! So please try more, read more and think more, you will then easily to have a goood writing result.
2008-02-09 11:07 pm
寫title先,然後寫Once upon a time ...... or Many years ago.......來開頭
再寫內容,short story 記得要寫短D

只要寫得生動有趣,好interesting就得ga la^^

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