Form 3 Maths 幫幫手 - Q 4

2008-02-09 10:14 pm
11 (d) 點做??? 請列明步驟。

回答 (1)

2008-02-12 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
d) If Patrick walk 60cm backward...
Let new angle of elevation from Patrick's eye to Alfred's head be α, then
tan α = 18/(60+60) = 0.15
new distance y from Patrick's eye to Alfred's head at the ruler on the wall
tan α = y/(60+60+10)
y= 0.15 x 130 = 19.5
Patrick read about Alfred's head at the ruler on the wall = 138 + 19.5 = 157.5 =158cm (correct to nearest cm)
參考: my math knowledge

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:06:23
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