I think he wrapped things up nicely. Maybe he could have warned us the the Book Of Revelations would be an acid trip of a read, but I can see some of the symbolism beginning to appear.
From one Sam to another.... I wish Jesus would have said Love thy enemies....oh wait he did. People just would rather kill them than love them. And honestly, are religious ppl more likely to support the death penalty and war, but yet claim to be Pro-Life? Red letter evangelicals are starting to get it right. I actually like some of those guys........ and Im more of a Buhdist that practices Christianity. I dont pray to Budha as God, but I dont have the picture of Jesus, that man created, in my mind either. I see someone who resembles me.
參考: the little voice in my head that is a part of the whole...
and no Im not high ;p
Everybody is equal in My Father's eyes; it does not matter if ye are black or white, gay or straight, or fat or thin. Heed onto My words, and ye shall enjoy eternal bliss in the kingdom of My Father.