Do you believe in a God based on Spiritualism (non religious beliefs) or a God based on a particular religion?

2008-02-08 12:49 pm

回答 (17)

2008-02-08 12:54 pm
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id say more of a spirituall way because no religon is correct so i believe you should just believe in god in your own way but still red the bible to get to know him better
2008-02-09 5:18 am
2008-02-11 2:59 am
I believe in God based on Spiritualism
2008-02-08 9:23 pm
Particular Religion.

I was born and raised in the CRC (Christian Reform Church) and thus I still attend church with them. While I was at college I did attend a Non-Denominational church...but let's be honest here, those are still denominational. They're just "run" by a single person instead of a corporate entity.

But my God is also based on my spiritualism.

Good luck, and may God continue to bless you!
2008-02-08 9:18 pm
Not a religion -- I feel that it is leading us down an incorrect path -- we need a better understanding of what our 'spiritual' world actually means as expressed below:

"We are surrounded by an All Seeing, All Knowing Mind, which is One and runs through all. The belief in the dual mind has destroyed practically all philosophies and religions of the ages, and will continue to do so until the world comes to see that there is but One. Whatever name is given it there is but One. It is this One that creates for us, whatever we believe. Our thought operative through this One produces all our affairs.

We are all centers in this Mind, centers of creative thought activity. There is nothing which appears in the manifest Universe other than an objectified thought, whether it be a bump on your head, a growth on your foot or a planet. It could not be there were it not made out of Mind, for mind is all there is to make anything out of. Whatever is made is made out of it. Nothing exists or can exist without a source from which it springs."

Ernest Holmes
author of 'Creative Mind'
2008-02-08 9:01 pm
I personally believe in God based on spirtualism (non religious beliefs)... I believe in God but i dont believe you have to go to church to know God loves you or to show respect, i am tolerant of others... heaps of people i know that dont believe in God really dont bother me because that is their choice and who am i to judge them on their beliefs + if i have strong enough beliefs why should others effect that.
2008-02-08 8:58 pm
Maybe based on spiritualism, but God would need further definition. I dont believe in God as an intelligent, supreme being, as the creator. I do however feel there is a higher power, which may or may not be human generated. A physical reaction to human mental wavelengths traveling along similiar patterns that collectively take on a life of its own. Problem with this idea is the patterns are't guaranteed to be "good" Only man can control the ultimate outcome. SO come on everyone, be good, think good, act good, and lets make our entity good!
2008-02-08 8:56 pm
I believe in the one and only true GOD that made the heavens and made the earth. I believe in The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. Jesus said, the only way to The Father is through Me. Bless you Sam and Jesus loves you. Have a great week end.
2008-02-08 8:55 pm
In an American context, Spiritualism is a (more or less Christian) denomination and hardly a set of non-religious beliefs. So Spiritualists believe in God based on their particular religion.

No one believes in god in a vacuum. Everyone's concept of god is informed by the concepts of god floating around in their society.

Unless someone claims to have had an empirically verifiable contact.
2008-02-08 8:54 pm
I believe in neither but academically speaking... the notion of an all-powerful, infinite deity resigning itself to a set of fininte, black-and-white (and quite petty) rules and regulations is far, far too human to be divine.

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