How many Bibles are there in your house?

2008-02-08 12:37 pm

回答 (38)

2008-02-08 12:40 pm
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One, but I don't follow it, and I think I've reread this answer more times in the last fourteen seconds than I have spent reading the bible in the last five years.

Hell, I don't even know where the damn thing is. Probably in a box next to some other old books.

EDIT: actually, two... I have my late grandfather's well-thumbed-through bible... he was an Episcopal Minister and the thing is a family heirloom, whether I follow it or not (I look of it more as a piece of ficticious parables than anything else). I may have rejected the notion of an all-powerful god but I have, a few times, flipped through it and wondered what his favorite passages were, where he got meaning from it, and where that meaning came from. He was a right, just, and good man. I know where that one is... it's in a safe place.
2008-02-08 12:49 pm
Asimov's Guide to the Bible. It explains the many contradictions in the bible and who, when, and why those stories were written. A really useful tool for anyone who wants to look objectively at their religion.
2008-02-08 1:15 pm
I have the Logos bible software "scholars edition".
So... it's all electronic. 25 English Bibles, and 25 Bibles each in 15 different languages.

The Targums, Septuagint, Textus Receptus, All the Byzantine and Alexandrian manuscripts. The vulgates.
2008-02-08 12:56 pm
I have the new testament, each double page has five translations. A few king James. I think Mormon, Catholic & some I have never realy looked at. I havn't read any at all this century. I have one I bought, that had been hollowed out, as a hidding place, a very holey book.
Oh yeah! & a concordance with a Hebrew & latin dictionary.
2008-02-08 12:45 pm
I have a King James, a Hebrew Bible in Hebrew, another translated Hebrew Bible, and 2NIV study Bibles, a Catholic Bible, and NRSV. And I have 3 Gideon New Testaments that I intend to give away. So about 10 for me and three for my brother and that adds up to 13.
2008-02-08 5:13 pm
about 10
2008-02-08 12:59 pm
None since I moved into my own unit, though if I received one that had some personal value and was in good condition I'd probably keep it around. I used to have a couple. I have 4 or 5 Bible sites bookmarked, along with apocryphal texts, the Quran and some others.
2008-02-08 12:55 pm
2008-02-08 12:39 pm
Three. One King James Version, one New Living Translation, and one Mormon bible that was a gift given to me many years ago by someone.
2008-02-10 4:58 am
more than 10

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