
2008-02-09 3:07 am
我知老公已經無見個女人, 但佢仲keep住個女人寫給佢的電郵同相片, 我覺得佢仲係有想住個女人, 咁樣係咪仲危險?點算?

回答 (3)

2008-02-09 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
你能夠做的,只有靜觀奇變。 萬萬唔好因為呢件事質問佢、嘈佢。 如果你愛佢的話,只能夠慢慢觀察佢﹐同佢溝通多d。 有時佢留住呢d野,可能代表佢仲有呢個女人的感覺、或者係仲有諗下佢。但係會唔會搵佢、打電話俾佢絕對係兩回事。
你諗下,如果佢真係諗住搵佢,又洗乜留低d相或者email呢? 佢係你面前撕哂佢、del哂佢,聽日搵佢再影過、再send過拉!
記住,你得到佢個人,亦得到佢的心。 但千祈唔好諗住控制一個人所有感情、或者思想。咁樣一定無好結果。了解多d佢。唔好亂咁諗,凡事有正反兩面,我覺得你係不斷向懷個方面諗的人。
2008-02-09 1:45 pm
Man always want to test his charm to attract woman other than his wife, if your husband is educated, most likely keep this for memory. 90% man will return to his wife and only those were not born in Hong Kong would divorce you. Why there are so many people go to China to get woman, becasue they were born in China, and they can't cut their root, therefore they go to China very quite often, and they are familiar their born place and tempation would increase, and he fool around with woman in a distance, you cannot have a control of him (Don't get me wrong, not all China born man is sucks, my father is China man, and he is very faithful to my mom).

Just keep yourself happy, care him but not let him return to her, give a little freedom to him, I m for sure he will stop somewhere. Many of my relatives have such experience, Men are women chaser, I am a man and always think in this way, I cannot control myself, but I will try. Good luck.
2008-02-09 3:14 am

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