
2008-02-09 1:53 am
I have recently finished Grade 8 syllabus. [Marks:135]
Should I go forward to Trinity Diploma or ABRSM one?
My teacher asked me to take the Trinity one but I don't know how is it going on.

回答 (3)

2008-02-10 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Trinity ATCL is easier than the ABRSM one cos no viva voce and quick study (sight reading) are needed. I have taken ATCL and I feel it was not that difficult to get a pass or even distinction when compared to DipABRSM. My suggestion is if you do not have much time to read through all the materials on your instrument and the pieces that you are going to play, you take trinity first to get some experience and than to decide whether you try ABRSM.

feel free to contact me
[email protected]
參考: experience
2008-02-09 4:24 am
其實你take either trinity or abrsm 都得, 因為坊間都話2者的diploma考試係相同等級, 而且trinity的確你易考d, 所以多數會報trinity的diploma.

但係實際上, 雖然話就話兩個考試是同級, 但係認受性就abrsm大d, 所以有人選擇考完trinity再左abrsm.

有興趣可聯絡我~ [email protected]
參考: ME!!!
2008-02-09 2:16 am

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