
2008-02-08 8:00 pm
"A thin white sheet of cloud spread across the sky and though there had been no warmth "容形天色很暗,很冷,",當那些狗在吠,狼在howl,這就像一個警告信號,你試想像一下,他是身處在一個多麼危險的環境.

回答 (2)

2008-02-08 9:09 pm
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"A thin white sheet of cloud spread across the sky and though there had been no warmth "
When he dogs are barking and the wolves are howling, it is like a warning signal. Try to imagine of what a dangerous situation he is in.

2008-02-08 13:10:22 補充:
When the dogs are barking and the wolves are howling, it seems like a warning.Try to imagine what a dangerous situtiona he is getting into.
2008-02-08 8:09 pm
the sky is dark and cold.when the dogs are barking ,the wolf is howling.this just like a signal of warn.
try to imagine how the place is dangerous where he is staying in

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