如何回答最正確? -- 20分

2008-02-08 3:24 pm
"How do you do?"


回答 (8)

2008-02-08 5:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果有人對我說"How do you do? 我就答以"How do you do?"這是我所接受的英式教養所致。
英國人很講邏輯,很講「親疏有別」,"How do you do"是有敷衍性質的,就如美國人的"Hi!"一樣。如果你關心一個人,你會問候他:"How are you?"是正式的問候語。
但今天美語流行,大可取代英語。所以一般人祇記"How do you do?",而答以"Good!" 或"Fine!"等,而不再說"How are you?"了,當人們聽到別人對他們說"How do you do?" 時,也不再有禮貌地答以"I' m fine,thank you, and you?" 或"I'm not very well . I …"了。
2008-02-08 5:21 pm
If someone ask u that How do you do

We can always say that
"Yea...I'm fine!Thanks and how about you?"
"Well,not very fine at all!"

These one just the simple one to answer only!

Hope can be useful for you! ^__^
2008-02-08 5:00 pm
This is only some sort of casual greetings when you are the 1st time to meet with a guy you never see before. The usual answer is "I'm fine, thanks. How about you?"

Hope it helps.
2008-02-08 4:59 pm
There's no standard answer, it's just a form of greeting.

If you are feeling good/okay, you may say...
I'm fine, thank you!
I'm doing great! thank you!
I'm okay, how about you?
I'm alright, how about you?

If you aren't having a good time, you may say...
I've been tired.
I'm so hungry/ I'm starving. Haven't had lunch yet...
(or anything..)

hope it helps! =)
參考: me
2008-02-08 4:37 pm
I do by internet,webside/book/..........................................
2008-02-08 3:57 pm
There isnt a "正確的回應"! "Good!" is normally what people reply in America. Most of the American dont really care about it anymore. This type of greeting , like " how do you do?", " What's up?", " How are you doing?", " How are you?", only means "Hi!".
You can actually say something other than "Good!", like, " oh... I have such a bad day today..." or something like that , but you know Amreicans dont really bother to say more than just "Good!" in most of the case.
2008-02-08 3:50 pm
I do by.......
2008-02-08 3:49 pm
"good" or "find"

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