
2008-02-08 11:58 am
Why Phoenix Suns have to traded forward Shawn Marion and guard Marcus Banks for Miami Heat center Shaquille O’Neal!!!!!

O' Neal is already not that gd any more!!! also he is too slow for suns, why they would do that????? Why??

回答 (3)

2008-02-08 7:51 pm
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2008-02-14 17:21:56 補充:
我知la!Basically, many Sun's fans have similar questions like you. But, when you think more, for e.g. last 2 playoff, they could not go into final. Last year they were beat by Spurs, who is mainly defencing, not attacking. 希望可以幫倒你! ^﹀^

2008-02-14 17:24:35 補充:
Although O' Neal is already not in his best condition, but you can think he really helped Heats to get the champion due to his experience! But, he needs to be healthy!

2008-02-14 17:25:12 補充:
On the other hand, Marion already shouted his wills to leave Suns since the start of this season. Moreover, Nash still present in the squard of Suns, the speed will not drop (I totally believe he knows how to adjust for this change). Therefore, I think this should be a good deal to Suns.
2008-02-11 9:13 am
其實個Main cause係Shawn Marion之前公開表示想離隊
所以Phoenix Suns將佢放走

2008-02-11 01:14:34 補充:
加上Phoenix Suns已經認為小球唔可以將球隊帶到總冠軍所以想轉打雙塔睇下今年可唔可以拎到總冠軍
2008-02-09 3:23 am
Basically, many Sun's fans have similar questions like you. But, when you think more, for e.g. last 2 playoff, they could not go into final. Last year they were beat by Spurs, who is mainly defencing, not attacking. Although O' Neal is already not in his best condition, but you can think he really helped Heats to get the champion due to his experience! But, he needs to be healthy!

On the other hand, Marion already shouted his wills to leave Suns since the start of this season. Moreover, Nash still present in the squard of Suns, the speed will not drop (I totally believe he knows how to adjust for this change). Therefore, I think this should be a good deal to Suns.

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