有無人有經驗, 試過有親人或香港朋友唔識英文, 要坐飛機去外國....仲有內文

2008-02-08 5:35 am
我係英國 讀緊書, 今年會畢業. 我爸爸媽媽想飛過來 睇我個畢業禮, 但係佢地唔識英文,
我怕佢地落機時, 唔識睇 instruction 同埋, 佢地無可能同度個 inspector 溝通. 唔知各位有無咁既經驗呢, 同埋 d airline 會唔會有 d 特別既 service 可以解決 呢個問題呢?

安東尼奧 可唔可以知道你係咪曾經試過咁做???? 唔該..

回答 (2)

2008-02-11 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實可以搵D香港既航空公司, 因為佢地飛機上大部份既Crew都會識得廣東話同國語兩種言!!

2008-02-12 09:34:43 補充:
當然喇~~因為我出國都係坐國泰, 通常同機上既crew都係講中文
參考: 因為我都唔係好識英文走去坐飛機
2008-02-08 5:59 am
Most international airlines can provide a similar service to help non-English speakers. Check this out when you book the tickets for your parents that they need a tranator during the trip. Print them an A4 paper stating "I need a Chinese/Cantonese-speaking translator" and ask your parents to present at the custom check-in counter in UK. I don't see any problem with this.

I have a friend from China just did the same in Canada, it works. :)

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