✔ 最佳答案
1) Register at employment agent to help you (I mean NOT those Govt labour dept's job), told the employment agent, you are seeking for reception job (because employment agent need to put your seeking job in category for their easy management, accroding you have mentioned it seem you are prefer to find reception job).
- But at the same time, don't forget to tell employment agent you are also seeking temp job (because we need money to maintain our daily life, moreover based on a lot of reasons, HK economic will not good.....
- Tell them if possible you would prefer those can have chance change to perm job.
- Remeber to need to specify to employment agent what is your want and plan.
i.e. you want to have a perm job but want to change field, but also seeking temp job at the moment.
- in this "work world" not happy is frequent, so you should learn how to manage, and it also it is our real life. When you are not happy you should find a friend or your parents to talk, to release all those unhappy things, and do not just keep silent and put in heart, because sometimes open-minded to tell your parents or friends, they may have some other positive or good suggestion to you.
- work road is long to you, you just at starting stage, so don't worry, you still have time to choose the field you find suitable for yourself.
Good luck.