樓主您好! 身為老闆仍堅持進修, 值得學習。
坊間的確不少MBA課程(尤其係外國所辦的), 只需若干工作經驗便可。 但以樓主的情況而言, 個人建議至少對management有一定的認識和有一定程度的英語水平會較好, 原因係讀到BBA甚至MBA時, 很多功課和project是需要引申某些理論去證明, 並非"吹水"就算; 尤其係讀外國所辦的MBA課程, 多要求用英文寫作甚至用英文present。所以至少有點底子(即係至少有文憑以上程度), 您讀MBA也不會讀得吃力。
除了有朋友所提及HKMA和倫大的文憑至學士課程外, 以下課程亦可考慮之列:
1. HKUST-CL3 - Advanced Diploma in Business Administration
This 1-year part-time program provides students with knowledge necessary for a business administration career. The program prepares students to work in business and government organizations as officers or supervisory positions. Students will learn the theories and practical skill-set for working in a business environment.
Students who have successfully completed the study and passed all assessment of this program will be awarded an Advanced Diploma in Business Administration. Graduates may apply for admission to the final year top-up program of BA (Hons) in Management and Business of the Univerisity of Glamorgan, subject to fulfillment of entry requirements.
Entry Requirements: Applicants should:
- either have 5 passes in HKCEE (or equivalent) with 2 years of working experience; or be F.7 graduates, or aged 21 or above
- and be proficient in English and computer literate; and
- be holder of CL3's Diploma in Business Administration (or equivalent) with satisfactory results
依您的情況, 通常校方會建議您先讀其一年part-time的Diploma in Business Administration(year 1), 然後才讀Year2的advance diploma course:
For details please see the website:
2. 商業學文憑 (青年會專業書院)
修讀期 : 約十個月,逢十月、三月開課
完成此課程, 可以修讀其商業管理高級文憑, 修讀期約十個月,逢十月、三月開課; 入讀資格 :
3. Advanced Diploma in Management Studies(HKU-SPACE)
The ADMS programme consists of 12 courses that are taken over 4 terms of study in 1.5 years.
Time: Weekday evenings and weekends; including Sundays and Public Holidays.
Applicants should:
either, have 5 passes (including English and Mathematics) in HKCEE or equivalent;
and, One A-level pass or 2 AS level passes in any subject or have a post-secondary academic qualification;
and, have 2 - 3 years work experience.
or, have an HKU SPACE Foundation Certificate in Business Studies.
Applicants may also be required to take a Test before being offered a place to study this programme.
以上課程皆可申請CEF fund, 1和3 皆有升top-degree途徑。
個人意見: 我讀過課程1及HKMA所辦的課程, 1內容較學術性, HKMA較著重實戰分享; 有口碑, 留意其師資和有課程委員會檢討課程質素會較佳, 揀選時可考慮這條件。
完成文憑/高級文憑, 加上合符英文程度要求(如IELTS-6分以上或TOFEL550分以上), 可申請讀Top-up的BBA甚至MBA課程。
希望上述課程可以幫到您, 祝學業有成!
參考: Websites of the above institutes and self study experience