
2008-02-08 4:27 am
我係用旅遊VISA 到US ......我在美國和我太太結了婚....... 在2007年10月中見完移民官....12月頭以得到工卡......我想知道什麼時候才得到臨時綠卡....我聽朋友說移民局會寄一封通過信叫我去吸印...... 他們會把我的VISA拿走吸印在我的中国PASSPORT裡.... 這個吸印就是臨時綠卡......但我想知道由見完移民官開始計我還要等多久才可得到臨時綠卡......要最快時間 AND 要長時間...THX SO MUCH.....

回答 (3)

2016-05-14 10:18 am

2008-02-09 10:36 am
yes, they can give you a stamp i-50 on your passport. that is proof that you can stay in USA and waitting for your temp green card.
your temp green card will be send it to you within 2 years.
but if you don't recevied it in 2 years,,,,, you are in luck lar, because you will received the real green card instead the temp one.

so, please wish never got the temp one.

ps. with the i-50 stamp , you can use it as green card...... travel to other countries and return to USA.
2008-02-08 9:30 pm
Depending on your luck, my wife got hers 3 months after she got her 工卡. I heard someone that takes 6 months. But it is not going to be long.
Good luck

2008-02-09 20:47:43 補充:
Just check the uscis.gov wed site, because of the fee increase last July, they are really back up now and the it is not uncomon that people have to wait twice as long now. So, it will take longer than usual to get your green card now.

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