在坐著起身行路的時候,右眼好像有數秒看不好東西,然彼逐漸恢復正常,當時很警,即去照磁力共振, 結果是"Two small T2 hyperintense foci are seen in the white matter of the right frontal and parietal lobes in the peri-ventricular distribution. They are of non-specific and probably of doubtful clinical significance. A clinical correlation and a follow-up MRI in 12 months to monitor the progress would be helpful to exclude any progressive condition, eg. demyelination." 這是甚麼意思? 跟著醫生給我Dipyridamole 加上最近成日有暈船浪的感覺, 睡在床上亦天旋地轉, 食藥和針灸都沒有幫助,覺得很辛苦.