Fizzy drink tablets(chemistry)

2008-02-07 8:40 am
I want to ask

What is "fizzy drink tablet"?
I want to know how it works?

What is the principle of this medicine?

Thanks a lot!!!

回答 (2)

2008-02-07 8:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
FIZZY ENERGY DRINK is the effervescent energy drink that gives you a mind-body boost.
Pls note that it is not the medicine!!
A fizzy drink tablet contains soild citric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate. When the tablet is added into a glass of water, effervescence occurs.

The tablet can evolve carbon dixoide which contributes effervences upon mixing with acid.
For reference, there is an ionic euqation:
HCO3- + H+ ---> H2O + CO2

2008-02-07 01:06:21 補充:
幫你譯埋中文Fizzy Drink Tablet 其實是一些藥片, 你飲左之後好似自己自己精神左其實, 佢含有固體的檸檬酸及碳酸氫鈉. 當藥片放在水中, 就會出現泡沫, 依d泡沫其實係二氧化碳黎架...化學式係HCO3- H ---> H2O CO2(我唔認同佢係藥物, 因為佢無藥性)
2009-01-02 4:09 am
我的名字is raymond li
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