
2008-02-07 8:03 am
英國的master只需讀一年, 會唔會比其他國家(usa, australia)便宜?
如果讀報海外master 應從何入手?
同埋會唔會係有錢就得, 唔係太睇honor ielts成績?

回答 (2)

2008-02-09 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
澳洲都有讀一年既 master架,例如我讀既既 MSc (Food Science & Nutrition), Coursework only, 唔需要做 research, 所以就快d 囉. 我地呢邊好多 MSc 都係一年. MCom 都係一年半.
至於價錢, 我就唔太清楚係唔係特別平.
但如果你想比較唔同國家, 你可以去幫人辦海外升學既 agent 問下, 咁就應該最方便. 如果你有心機既, 就當然可以去唔同學校既網頁自己睇, 或者直接send e-mail 查詢.
成績方便, 就真係好睇下學校緊唔緊喇. 好多時佢寫既條件係一回事, 但實際收生又另外一回事. 例如我讀個科咁, 佢話要4年 BSc or 相關工作經驗先得, 我同個科主任傾埋佢都話應該唔得, 但結果enrolment 個邊咪又係收左我(3年 BSc, 65分 average)~ 咁當然你既成績都唔可以太差啦
good luck~
2008-02-07 10:04 am
what can you learn in a year? i don't think you can learn much, might as well get an online degree, it will save you a lot of money

報讀海外master 應從何入手?
go to the websites of the schools that you like and apply online or email them to send you applications

唔會, but you need money in the bank to prove that you can afford the tuition and room and board. They don't want you to work there once you get there.

會唔會太睇honor ielts成績?
depends, every school is different, but you need decent grades in your under-graduate school
參考: been there, done that

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