What is 9% of 6.4? Doesnt this mean multiply?

2008-02-07 3:11 am

回答 (6)

2008-02-07 3:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
(.09)(6.4) = .576
2008-02-07 5:00 am
6.4 x 9%
= 6.4 x 9/100
= 57.6/100
= 0.576
2008-02-07 3:19 am
Yes. In math, when you see the word "of" you almost always multiply.
2008-02-07 3:16 am
ORRRRRR divide by 100 then multiply by 9
2008-02-07 3:15 am
9 percent of 6.4 is .576 and yes it means multiply
2008-02-07 3:14 am
yes. multiply by 9/100

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