Why do parents opt not to vaccinate their children when it is beneficial to them?

2008-02-07 2:08 am
Here in San Diego, there were four outbreaks of measles in schoolchildren who were probably not vaccinated from the disease. Here's the story:


Why do parents opt not to vaccinate their kids? Do they fear that their child will become "autistic" from vaccination (where's the connection between the two, anyway)? Do they fear that God would strike them dead if they did so?

Have some common sense. Make your kids get their shots.

回答 (4)

2008-02-07 1:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The short answer is that there seems to be a sizable group of folks who take everything they find on the net and in the less responsible broadcast media as gospel, without asking questions. In the main, these otherwise intelligent and concerned parents take stories of adverse reactions to vaccinations at face value without questioning the reality of the reports--for example, one death due a bad reaction becomes dozens or even hundreds. Ten cases of physical or mental impairment become thousands. The worst part of this situation is that it is so widespread that even ER used it as a story line on more than one occasion.

Yes, there are risks with some of the classic schildhood vaccines, when a child falls into any one of several tiny and fairly well-defined groups or circumstances--however, to no have your kids vaccinated out of fear based on half-understood reports written by folks with only a dim view of what they write is negligence bordering, IMNSHO, on criminal.
2008-02-07 2:25 am
yeah there is controversy but it still looks like scientifically you are better off getting the vaccines Sure there are some people who get complications, allergic reactions, etc just lke you can complications from any treatment or lack of treatment.Somewhere along the line, unfortunately, you have to make those difficult decisions for you r kids. It will not always be easy or black and white You will need to study the facts and use professionals who have studied this all their careers and then go with your best decision.
2008-02-07 3:51 am
Because the risks outweigh the benefits. I would rather my child got sick with a curable illness like measles or mumps than had to live their whole life with autism, asthma, or adhd or worse, died from "SIDS" which most other countries refer to as "vaccination death." All the diseases vaccines supposedly protect against are highly treatable, and once you get them you have lifetime immunity. Not so with the problems the vaccines CAUSE.

Watch this and tell me vaccines are harmless. THAT is common sense.

Make sure you watch to the end, there is an amazing video of a very tiny amount of mercury reacting with brain neurons, and it's actual video of it, not just animation.
2008-02-07 4:03 pm
I dont know. I thought it will make the children more weakness

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