Amateur Photographer - Framing Help (+ tell me what you think)?

回答 (3)

2008-02-06 7:14 pm
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The photos look great. You can go to an art supply store that does framing . . . like Aaron Borthers or Michael's.
If not, then find a local studio photography, tell them you have some great looking landscape stuff you want to frame and ask them where you can get it done.
2008-02-07 5:23 am
I just bought 15 frames from 8x10 to 16x20, many WITH heavy matts, at Michael's Arts and Crafts. They are having a sale with pretty much every frame marked down 40-50-60% this week only. I got 15 frames and ALL supplies needed to finish the job for under $300. I think the frames themselves only cost me just over $200. They were ALL 50% off, except one that I really liked that was only 40% off. Check them out ASAP.
2008-02-07 12:30 am
They are all very relaxing looking pictures so I suggest to use either pale blue or white matting. You can get cheap frames from Christmas Tree Shop or any second hand store. You can paint the frame to get the color you want. But I would use metal frame for them.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 14:21:45
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