Does a cylinder have any corners?

2008-02-06 4:21 pm
I say it has 2 corners because the definition of a corner is "the position at which two lines, surfaces, or edges meet and form an angle". Therefore, it seems to me that each edge where the top and bottom circles meet the plane curve can be described as corners. However, my third grade daughter's math teacher told her that a cylinder has no corners. Any opinions? Thanks!

回答 (5)

2008-02-06 4:28 pm
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You are correct, but my experience is that teachers don't care to be corrected.
2008-02-07 12:39 am
A cylinder has no corners.
2008-02-07 12:32 am
2008-02-07 12:25 am
i think that is has no corners. a corner has to be flat. the places where you call corners are actually rounded.
2008-02-07 12:30 am
If you are talking about a cylinder in and of itself, then no, there are no corners by your definition. Now, what you are talking about is a cylinder that is somehow attached to a flat surface, this would have corners per your definitions.

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