Informal expressions一問

2008-02-07 4:53 am
我有一d英文的informal language想請教各位~

我想問下" Guess what!" 同 " So cool!" 點解??

同埋我想知道更多既informal expressions!!! 請各位講給我知吧!!!~


回答 (2)

2008-02-07 4:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Guess what! 直解就係 "你估下!” 但用法就比較似 "喂﹐ 你知唔知..."
所以都可以用 "You know what?” 代替
列﹕ Guess what﹐ I received an invitation for Sam's birthday party!
通常用于你認為對方唔知道既事件上﹐而你自己當時亦覺得好 surprise.

對方典型既答﹕ Oh really? (表示他也感到驚奇) 或 Yea﹐ I know (表示他已經知道)

So cool! 比較似 "好正!" “好型!"
列﹕ His house was so cool!/ Your new hair cut looks cool! / It's really cool﹐ they treat me dinner after the interview!

平時年輕人都會用 cool 去表達 "好呀!" "無問題!" 既意思
例﹕ Cool! I will do that for you! / That’s cool﹐ we will just follow what you have planned.
類似既用法仲有﹕ Brilliant! 和 Fantastic! (本身有稱讚既意思﹐但好多時外國人都當左口頭彈咁用)﹐ 仲有 Ace! 和 Sure!

yes no 都有好多變化﹐簡單D 認就會話 Y 字音既就代表Yes﹐N 字音既就係 No 既意思
列﹕ Ya﹐Yep﹐Yeah﹐Yay 和 Nah﹐Nope﹐ Nor
其實好隨便用﹐無話一定幾時用邊種﹐但多D 聽就會發現佢地都有特定既意思﹐不過好難係書面解釋。

Well = "都唔係既" / 有少少申辯既意思
列﹕ Well﹐ not exactly﹐they did explain it to me beforehand﹐it’s just
that I didn’t listen carefully。


Hope it helps! =)
參考: myself =)
2008-02-07 6:57 am
basically "guess what" is used when you kind of want to surprise others
but apparently, we can use it anytime we want = =....
for example , you can say
"guess what, I am going to disneyland this weekend!" ... so it can be used when others can not possibly guess about your and so

"so cool" ...same = =can use it whenever u want
if u think something interest you , like very much
you can just say ..."wah ! cool !....or's so COOL !"
it shows u really appreciate what that person does ...

hope it is useful ...
sorry about my poorly explaination

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