少 - 這一個字的問題句子

2008-02-06 11:25 am
我唔識用呢個 '少' 字.

以下句子, 英文會點樣講:

1. 我飲既呢樽水只係得番好少咋
2. 今餐我地點少d餸吧.
3. 睇黎你既銀包得番好少錢.

另外, 我想問 few 同 less 點樣用. 佢地分別係邊到.

請麻煩大家幫忙. Thx

回答 (2)

2008-02-06 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The solution :

few :

1 ) 很少數的;幾乎沒有的

There are fewer boys than girls in my class.


2 ) (與a連用)有些,幾個[Z]

He has a few friends in this city.


3 ) 很少數;幾乎沒有

Few of my acquaintances like Sarah.


4 ) ( 與a或the連用 ) 一些,幾個

Only a few of my friends were informed about it.


less :

1. 較小的,較少的[+than] ( little 的比較級 )

He has less strength than I.


2 ) 1. 較小地,較少地;不如[+than] ( adverb )

Thunderstorms are much less common in Ireland than in England.


3 ) 更少的數(量,額)[U] ( noun )

I could do no less.


4 ) 減去;扣除;差... ( prep . )

She stayed a month less two days.


The solution of the sentences ~

1 ) My bottle of water is very less now .

2 ) We choose less food in this meal , OK ?

3 ) I guess your purse has only very few money .
參考: My brain
2008-02-06 8:21 pm
I'd say it this way:
1. I have very little water left in my water bottle.
2. Let's order less food for this meal.
3. Looks like you have little money left in your purse.
Looks like you have only a few dollars left in your purse.

less 是用于比較吧。
few 少數

There are only a few people left in the office.
I have less money than before.

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