如果部相機delete左Dvideo, 有冇辦法搵返?

2008-02-06 9:34 am
如果部相機delete左Dvideo (SD CARD), 有冇辦法O係部相機度搵返?

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回答 (2)

2008-02-11 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
It depends on which data sectors these deleted videos were previously written on. If you have rewritten new files on the SD card and if these files cover the data sectors concerned, then your videos may not be recoverable.
The other thing is that most image recovery software out there only deal with image data but not multimedia data.
Your safest bet is to use industrial-grade recovery software to try retrieve such data. But since you have overwritten new data, your chances of recovering those clips may be lower.
Information on such data recovery software has been sent to you via PM.
2008-02-06 12:23 pm

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