海港城既 Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel 好唔好架??

2008-02-06 7:44 am
我想問harbour city 既 Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel

食物質素, 服務 同埋 場地 好嗎??


回答 (2)

2008-02-15 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
marco polo hong kong hotel is 5 star hotel , it is ok
i also held the 謝師宴 at this hotel serval year before
if your school book the grand hall(Lobby floor) , it is really ok , the environment is gd , also you can pre visit the site , just dial to the hotel

food quality is ok , the taste will not so worse, also the kicthen is just beside the grand hall , so the hot dishes will not become cold

Hope this information can help you!!
參考: own experience
2008-02-06 7:45 pm
一般啦. 因佢地不過係4星酒店. 同5星冇得比. 但勝在價錢唔太貴. 及地點方便.

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