Wireless network connect 唔到

2008-02-06 6:05 am
我屋企有兩部電腦, 都係用WIRELESS 既, 其中一部可以上到網, 但係另外一部o係屋企detect 到個router, 每一次想connect 既時候, 佢就寫"windows is unable to connect to the selected network. The network may no longer be in range. Please refresh the list of available networks, and try to connect again" 但係個signal strength 係excellent 的... 同埋陪機拎到出去外面, 好似starbucks, 又上到網... 我想問可以點樣解決? 係咪ROUTER 既問題???

Ratio Channel 係點樣SET 架???

回答 (2)

2008-02-06 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
可能你個radio channel設定左1,所以其他電腦無法連入
2008-02-06 6:19 am

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