
2008-02-06 2:08 am
我聽miss講話he she it後面要加s
what time (the banks/close)in hong kong?

幾時個句子加are 幾時加do/does? simple present同present continuous有咩分別? 請用中文解釋//

回答 (4)

2008-02-06 5:41 am
He she it, we call these as the third person singular, thus, when we are using present tense, we have to add s es or ies

e.g Mary goes to school every day.
What time do the banks close in HOng Kong?

Banks are in plural form, that means it is more than 1, thus, no need to use third person singular
2008-02-06 3:03 am
我聽miss講話he she it後面要加s, 咁人名後面使唔使加?
人名後面, 如果係單數, 當然要加's'.
但你的問題是banks, 個名詞本身係眾數, 呢題的動詞唔需要加's':
即係: what time do the bank close in Hong Kong?
(上面的字文法無錯. 不過, 依句應該寫作: when do the bank close in Hong Kong 好少少)
幾時個句子加are 幾時加do/does?
有兩個情況都係用 are (其實, 應該是 is/am/are)
-- 1) 依句句子除了'are', 無其他的動詞, 如: Are they students? (他們是學生嗎?)
-- 2) 依句句子是present continuous (現在進行式, 即係後面有-ing的字), 如 Are they studying the books now? (他們是否依家溫緊書呢?)

do/does: 依句句子有其他動詞, 如: does she buy the book? (她買了那本書嗎?)
simple present同present continuous有咩分別?
simple present 即係現在式, 如樓上所提及, 是咩都唔變 (不過, 第三身要加's')
例子: Do they study the book everyday? (佢地係唔係日日都溫書?)

present continuous 即係現在進行式, 如樓上所提及, 後面是ing 尾
現在進行式是依家仲做緊, 未做完.
例子: Are they reading the books now? (他們是否依家溫緊書呢?)

有一個小提示: 現在進行式通常後面都會同時有'now'依個字 ('now'即是'依家')
有問題, 可在此留言, 或者send email 給我. 希望以上幫到你!!

2008-02-06 20:49:10 補充:
一點補充: Present continuous tense = is/am/are + verb的ing form (樓下說得對)Present tenseI / You / We / They (多過一個人): 唔需要加's'He / She / It ( 只得一個人, 除 I 同 You 外): 要加's'** 留意: 大部份的字加's' 或加'es', 不過有少少字是例外的 **
參考: 自己
2008-02-06 2:21 am
What time do the banks close in Hong Kong?
參考: me
2008-02-06 2:11 am
What time do the banks close in hong kong

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