I want to know the problem of living in new towns?

2008-02-06 1:44 am
before the Chinese New Year!(quick!)

回答 (2)

2008-02-06 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
I want to know the problem of living in new towns ?

The solution :

1 ) In the new town , there has many people will do something very noisy , for example : mahjong , singing karaoke . It will make us cannot sleep .

2 ) In the new town , there has many people smoking , it will hurt our bodies if we smell the smoke .

3 ) In the new town , water pollution will appear there . We cannot eat the fresh fish in the new town anymore .

Hope I can help you la ~

2008-02-07 21:50:46 補充:
我幫你譯翻做中文,希望你會容易理解 ~1 ) 在新市鎮裏,有很多的人會做一些很吵人的事情,例如:打麻雀,唱 K,這樣做會令人難以入睡。2 ) 在新市鎮裏,會有很多人吸煙,如果我們吸入那些二手煙,會損害我們的身體。3 ) 在新市鎮裏,會出現水污染,我們以後不可以在新市鎮裏吃到新鮮的魚類。

2008-02-15 14:04:13 補充:
" 飛天蜀國大虎將趙雲 " 玩野!我的目的係為左令發問者更清楚睇到我講咩 ~小心我檢舉你 ~我會記住你 " 飛天蜀國大虎將趙雲 " ~行路小心 D ~ " 飛天蜀國大虎將趙雲 "
參考: My brain
2008-02-07 7:45 am
Urban Problems In New Towns:
1)In new towns,there may be don't have enough transportation facilities(交通設施),it
make a poor transport system,so this is inconvenient(不方便).


2)And also, some public facilities may not enough is new towns.It is because the new
town may not develop completely.


3)Some pollution may appear in the new town.It is because before the new town
develop,it is a abandoned land (未發展土地) ,some projects are progessing(進行
中).The project may pollute the environment there.When the land develop become a new town,the pollution may affect the residents live in there.


2008-02-06 23:45:46 補充:

2008-02-06 23:48:56 補充:

2008-02-14 21:13:32 補充:

2008-02-14 21:14:15 補充:

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