幫我翻釋呢篇文!!! (英文) 我一定俾你10分!!

2008-02-05 9:50 pm

回答 (3)

2008-02-05 10:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This book is narrates two aliens going to other planet for travel, unfortunately, their space ship was out of order and crashed on the Earth, both of them were extremely regretted that why they had fallen a sleep during travelling!

They got out of the spaceship and walked around, after walking for very long time, they felt hungry. Then they started to look for a food shop. They have found many food shops, but none of them had their favourate food. Therefore, they began to try the food that did not exist in their planet - - sandwiches and the fruit juice. Finally, they then took away the sandwiches and the fruit juice to their planet.

I think that these two aliens look like the inventors because they brought new things to their world..

2008-02-05 23:54:07 補充:
Apple, 唔好意思,你的translation有好多error.好多都唔通順而且講述故事,應用past tense.
2008-02-06 7:27 pm
This book is narrates two aliens to go to other star travel, but their space ship has been unfortunately bad, crashes on the Earth, they extremely regretted, at that time why we did sleep! They walked the very long time, starts to think the belly has been hungry, they look for the food shop, they find the very many food shop, but does not have them to like the food food, therefore they go to the food some their star no food - - sandwiches and the fruit juice. Finally, they then take away own star the sandwich and the fruit juice. I thought they on own star, look like two inventors, because they spread to some sandwiches and the fruit juice own star.
2008-02-06 1:59 am
This book relates two Aliens to the other star tripses, but they were unfortunate to too get empty the ship to is out of order , sink into at on the earth, they very much regret, why at that time did we sleep!They walked very with long hours, start feel to feel hungry, they find to eat the store, they find out a lot of food stores, but have no food that they like to eat, so they eat the food that some their stars have no--the sandwich and juice. Finally, they then bring the sandwich and the juice to go to own star. I feel on own star, they seem two inventors, because they stream into some sandwiches and the juice to go to own star.


2008-02-08 11:41:18 補充:
參考: me,工具

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