
2008-02-05 9:43 pm
1.Which organizations in HK do they work for environment protection?
Give two name of the organizations.

2.What are the background or the two organizations?
a.Which year are they founded.
b.Where are they in HK.
c.What are their work.

3.Which organization do you help if you have a chance?
How do you help it?(eg.donation,voluntary,work?)


回答 (4)

2008-02-06 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Environment Bureau
The EPD's Environmental Resource Centres

2.What are the background or the two organizations?
b.Tak Wah Park
c.help otherpeople

參考: katharine
2008-02-06 10:28 pm
1. The Global Conservation Organization
2b.Wanchai Office Fax: (852) 2845 2734
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.wwf.org.hk
Address: Suite 1002, Asian House, 1 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
WWF's work is base on to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by:

-conserving the world's biological diversity
-ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable
-promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption

1.Friends of the Earth (HK)
Friends of the Earth (HK)
53 Lockhart Road, 2/F,
Wanchai, Hong Kong.
We monitor the environmental performance of the Government and the private sector
We lobby for sustainable policies and vision
Our campaigns focus on* pollution prevention, waste minimization, resource recovering and recycling, sustainable consumption* monitoring the Environmental Impact Assessment process
implementing the Polluter Pays Principle
promoting renewable energy technologies
As advisors to the Hong Kong SAR government, FoE (HK) representatives have been members of
the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE)
the Country and Marine Parks Board (CMPB)
the Waste Reduction Committee (WRC),

-The Global Conservation Organization
-get involved a volunteer
-environment not just for human, it is also for animals
-want to help the Species which is at risk , e.g.Romer's Tree Frog, egrets and herons, macaques, bats and the Chinese White Dolphin (in order to decrease their death rate)
-we shouldn't be selfish
1 Environment Bureau and Environmental Protection Department

Other you can use "http://www.gov.hk/en/about/govdirectory/govchart/index.htm"
to find the background
2008-02-05 10:06 pm
1.The EPD's Environmental Resource Centres

2.Mobile Environmental Resource Centre


http://ww w .fitlife.hk8.us
參考: (Ref:hair)

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