
2008-02-05 8:43 pm
從前是打工仔並與妻子合拼報, 現分居並經營一家無限公司, 由於所得有限另有一份兼職工作, 而經營所得40000多元及兼職所得30000餘元, 且稅務單位表示不接納以個人所得稅之申請, 原因是從前與妻合併報稅; 但分居妻選擇獨立申報稅項, 為何稅務單位仍然不接納本人申述原因, 現只計算本人經營所得及要求繳納連預繳稅金12000餘元.

回答 (2)

2008-02-11 3:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
According to the Inland Revenue Ordinance, the Personal Assessment (or PA) is able to elect for the assessment of an individual's total income, including the profits tax, salaries tax and properties tax. But, such election of PA has to meet the requirements of (1) staying in Hong Kong over 180 days and (2) both spouses elect such PA (for married individuals). Thus, for your case, your separated wife or spouse does not elect the PA or sign the tax return form to elect the PA in order for you not able to elect the PA. Your income should be subject to the profits tax or 16% based on the assessable profits. Until, two year later, your divorce case is settled, then you are back to a single and you are able to elect the PA again.
Still, you can arrange the tax planning not to subject to the profits tax, and subject to the salaries tax. Then, your tax allowance is able to use up. Well, I think the tax expert or qualified accountant is able to assist you to arrange the tax planning.
2008-02-06 6:33 pm

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