好熟The Body Shop產品ge姊妹入黎thz!!((10分))

2008-02-05 8:25 pm
我想買d TBS ge產品用下.聽講話呢間野d產品都唔錯,所以唔該各位姊妹幫幫手!!!我係油性皮膚.而家18歲.仲有勁多黑頭問題!

我想買TBS ge以下幾隻產品..,唔知掂唔掂.唔該大家比下意見thz!

1.Blue Corn 3 in 1 Deep Cleaning Scrub Mask. 有人話呢隻野清黑頭好掂!!!
2.Tea Tree Oil Facial Scrub 我想買隻磨沙,茶樹好似唔錯.
3.Vitamain E Moisture Cream 想買隻日霜,唔知呢隻好唔好..因為我想皮膚滑d同埋收毛孔.我d毛孔太粗大,又多黑頭..搞到我成日都好自卑..
4.Vitamain C Intensive Night Treatment 另外加隻晚霜or精華,夜間修護的.唔知呢隻好唔好.

唔該各位姐姐大人比比意見我...我對TBS真係一d都唔熟...而且我而家系USA,唯有TBS比較有可能= =

回答 (1)

2008-02-05 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Blue Corn 3 in 1 Deep Cleaning Scrub Mask. - if you have 油性皮膚, this product is good for you . Very Good for remove 黑頭
2.Tea Tree Oil Facial Scrub - I'm try many product for facial scrub , this product is the best product . It feel so clear & not dry
3.Vitamain E Moisture Cream - .if you have 油性皮膚, it is so oil & think not suitable for you
4.Vitamain C Intensive Night Treatment- same as 3
Hope it can help you for reference

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