
2008-02-05 12:47 pm

回答 (7)

2008-02-05 2:07 pm
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想話啲相係假都唔得啦! 呀陳先生佢走咗出嚟say sorry先, 其實鍾小姐以後仲要見人, 快啲出埋嚟道歉,執返個尾彩, 仲可以當作是反面教材.一舉兩得添. 風光過後就係要付出代價啦 .講真呀,我冇睇過佢啲相. 人地話佢下面好黑, 應該好鬼殘,唉........救命. 做人平時謙虛啲咪好啦. 一舖清袋添!

2008-02-05 06:22:03 補充:
應該話平時做人唔好扮咁多, 好似上次嗰单嘢又係佢,露咗小小肉背,又喊晒,又遊行開記招, 今次劈晒腿咁豪, 以前有份幫佢講嘢啲人呢? 又唔知有乜感覺呢? 唉.............
2008-02-07 10:27 am
2008-02-05 9:57 pm
i dont think ah gil need to say sorry at all.. is not her fault to have those pictures released... maybe is her fault to agree to have those pictures taken, but the person who need to say sorry is edison and that man who released the pictures to public..

edison should be more alert that he is an artist and whatever is in his computer.. people wll take advantage of the informaiton inside... he is way too careless to let his computer being fixed by a those people

and that guy who released the pictures... he is really a piece of *beep*. it is so rude and very insulting to release such pictures even those people in the pictures arent artist.. i just dont understand what's the point of releasing those picture and end up taken by the police.. stupid act
2008-02-05 7:10 pm
係 大 哭 ! 大 哭 ! 又 大 哭 !
2008-02-05 6:09 pm
其實今次對班受害人嚟講, 都幾傷呀, 咩品行都俾人睇晒, 想再扮玉女, 扮無知都唔得啦, 你仲想阿嬌有咩回應?
2008-02-05 1:15 pm
if you see the pictures, you are 100% to say that is her, no excuse, admit to the pictures and say sorry for herself, and won't repeaet such stupid act, that will annser to herself and public. Actually, don't even have to say sorry, you did it, SO WHAT!
2008-02-05 1:02 pm
嬌 初 步 對 相 片 的 回 應 --

係 大 哭 ! 大 哭 ! 又 大 哭 !

不 過 現 在 她 不 哭 !
因 為 陳 冠 希 已 向 她 SAY : " I am very sorry ! "

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