
2008-02-05 8:53 am
比如由悉尼去墨爾本自己駕車, 途中找旅店??


回答 (3)

2008-02-05 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你只是 2 人遊, 或其中只有 1 人有車牌, 還是建議你搭飛機, 因為道程十分遙遠

墨爾本 -- 悉尼: 880 km, 約 10 小時車程
可參考: http://www.auinfo.co m/australian%20dista nce%20calculator.htm l
如以上時間還沒有計算每 2 小時一次的中途休息時間. 如果只得 1 個人駕車, 必定累死 !!!
至於車程及住宿., 你睇返個 webiste, 會有介紹的.
但其實租車費用都幾高. 11 月我們一行 7 人租了 1 架 Tarago 3 日 2 夜, 車租及保險已經要 400 幾澳幣了, 入油用左 60 蚊澳幣 (1.3 澳幣 1 litre)... 計落都唔平的...
參考: travel experience
2008-02-08 11:49 pm
you better take the airplane to melbourne then you rent your car.Because it needs 2 days to drive from sydney and it is tired and waste of time.

2008-02-09 15:43:56 補充:
I also had went to melbourne drive a car there.At least you will need 8 days(also other place around melbourne)
2008-02-06 5:43 am
Look at another option, check out jetstar or virgin blue for domestic flights from sydney to melbourne, then rent a car from melbourne airport and drive around there.

renting a car in sydney is relatively more expensive than other cities in OZ.

hope this help.
參考: self experience

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