妳對我來說永遠都是最好, 英文點樣講?

2008-02-05 8:16 am
如題, 妳對我來說永遠都是最好, 英文點樣講?


1. You are forever and ever fine to me.
2. You are forever and ever fine for me.
3. You are fine to me forever and ever.

還是其他語句, 我諗唔到.

請幫幫忙, Thx

回答 (1)

2008-02-05 9:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.----------To me, you are always the best.
2.----------To me, you are always and forever, the best.
3.---------From my point of view, you are always the best.
4.---------From my point of view, you are always and forever, the best.

Your 3 sentences above are not correct, because if you say you are fine to me, it means you are just o.k. to me, on the other hand, the preposition-- FOR-- should not be used in this case.

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