i'm really really really really scared to go to the gyn?

2008-02-04 6:33 pm
what will he do to me?
i saw a pic of a gyn who stick his fingers into a woman's vagina!! is that true? but i don't want him to do that. :(

what if the doctor is a pervert? :(

回答 (11)

2008-02-04 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is their area of expertise!
They look no differently at a vagina than they do a nose- don't panic!
Sometimes they'l have to examine the vagina walls carefully, yes- but it's painless and they're really nice.
Also, you can ask for a Woman gyn if that'll make you more comfortable, and if you DO have a man, there'll ALWAYS be a female nurse present!

You'll be fine!
2008-02-04 6:40 pm
Go with a female doc if you can otherwise a nurse will be in the room w/ you. Yes they do insert their hands, but not in a sexual way. They are making sure you don't have cancer. They also examine your breasts for the same reason. It will be fine, it usually all take less then 10 minutes.
2008-02-04 6:50 pm
There are many indignities that men have to go through too.
It is the price all of us pay for staying healthy. One of the deadliest diseases for men is prostate cancer. Many men avoid the check up because it involves the proctologist putting on a pair of latex gloves and sticking his finger as far as he can up the rectum to feel the size of the prostate. If it is small, like a baby walnut or hickory nut, then they guy is OK. If not, he may have benign enlarged prostate which requires a blood test to determine PSA levels. Men are supposed to start this procedure in their 40s.
One of the problems women have is cervical cancer. If you do not get regular check ups, wouldn't that be a terrible thing to die of?
Call the OBYGN's office and ask to talk to the doctor's nurse. Tell her your concerns.
2008-02-04 6:48 pm
you can always request a female doctor or request a female nurse to be present if you have a male doctor. you can also have a family member present if you want, like your mom. also, you don't really have to start going to a gyno until you are sexually active. it is reccomended that you go once you turn 18, but i know a lot of girls who don't. i understand. you don't want anyone to see your vag until your special someone does!
2008-02-04 6:44 pm
They do a lot more than stick fingers up there. They mash on your internal organs, feeling for growths, and they'll insert a device called a speculum into your vagina, to open it up wide enough to see the cervix so they can take a swab for testing. And most of the time you'll get examined rectally too.

None of it is really painful, and it's necessary. You need to get used to the idea. Make an appointment with a women if that will make you feel better. But I've had a number of male gynecologists, and they were all excellent. And not one perv.
2008-02-04 6:43 pm
It's not that bad and you'll feel better after you have it b/c you will know everything is ok:)
2008-02-04 6:41 pm
Go see a female gynecologist. A woman doctor is probably more in touch with female problems than a male doctor anyway.
2008-02-04 6:40 pm
A gyn is a doctor and u must trust the doctor u r going to and yes the examination is done by fingers and may use some additional tools , but it is for u own sake if u r complaining about some thing , that should help u to get better.......
2008-02-04 6:37 pm
It's bad the first time, but it gets better every year. Many people only have to go once/year.

Why don't you go to a female doctor?
2008-02-04 6:37 pm
Maybe you should find a female Gyn or a nurse practitioner. Using the fingers is part of his job.

Good luck!

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