
2008-02-05 7:41 am


回答 (4)

2008-02-19 9:01 am
2008-02-06 4:01 pm
Well, Let's not use an agrue Tone and discuss the fact and myth of my Answer. This is a place to share knowledge, not agrue, if you want to agrue, i can give you my e-mail It is [email protected]


Well, i did never mention anything from Japanese, Notice my question i asked
WHAT IS THE BEST ENGLISH WORD FOR 驅逐戰車. That by all mean an English to Chinese Translation. I don't know why you didn't get it........

I never said anything about translating 驅逐戰車 from Japanese to English. It is you who say that, i will not dispute the meaning of Japanese as i don't know :P but my question is Chinese - English Translation. 驅逐戰車 in Chinese Best Translate to Tank Destroyer as for the Ship. If you think i am wrong, give me a better word in English then.

然後與題目無關的加農砲與榴彈砲區別略過,..你找得到一張StuH 42的火砲仰角超過20度的照片,我頭給你!

Why don't we use another way to settle this? If you can find any information regarding the Maximum elevation are 20 Degree Upward. I would admit that i am wrong.

But bear in mind, i mean any, if there are a phototype and limited model, i still don't counted.

That bring me down to my reply below. See below

Also, i don't think you understand the word "Variant" Variant is something that based on something but build differently in term of functionality, It is different from an Upgrade: StuH Is not a Sturmgeschütz It is a Variant of Sturmgeschütz I never said StuH42 is a type of Sturmgeschütz did I?

For example, M104 Wolverine is a Variant of M1 Abrams, no way in hell you say these two are the same thing, as M104 is an assault Bridge, M1 is a Tank.

—check NOT 105mm leFH 18 Howitzer,...你自己找張Sturmgeschütz III的結構圖,看看能不能搞個40度仰角出來。

Judge that, you never heard of the Grasshopper wasn't it?

Some of the StuH42(Pz III Chassis) were converted to take detachable 10.5cm leFH 18 Field Howitzer Gun.

Check out this website http://battletanks.com/images/Grasshopper-2.jpg

There are a dispute on how many of those are produced, as lowest estimate are single number (Like the website mentioned 3 only produced) but the upper limit is 20-30. They have a general 40 and 1/3 elevation compare to L28.

Again StuH42 is not Sturmgeschütz III, Sturmgeschütz III can only have 20 degree upper evelation as it is also performed as a tank destroyer, its gun are, again , dual purpose.


First it is Panzerjäger not Panzerjager (Accent missing) Secondly, Panzerjäger is also a class of a bunch of 47,75,88mm Tank Destroyer (Notice that Panzerjäger = Tank Hunter, it may not be just THE Panzerjäger (The 'THE' is very important, it mean that Panzerjäger make in 1941.) as it was the first Tank Hunter germany Use in WW2. This is a general definition of Panzerjäger in Both German and British.


You still has not made a clear definition on Tank Destroyer and Assault Gun, you just say where they use and where they belong. The question ask on Operation Detail, 我都唔係好明,佢同突擊炮都係冇炮塔... Not what they operate on.

Oviviously, an Assault Gun and Tank Destroyer will operate in different enviroment. Who use them is not important in this question. The problem is what for. You know, Armor Corp in UK and US not only operate Tank, they operate Mobile Air Defence in WW2 too.

After a couple of days of work, i still hasn't see any of your reference? It is too much to ask for to cough out some reference? The quote of reference is important people, otherwise, it is only dead word.

If people get vote in this, my answer will be in lower hand as i answer in English, but even if i lost i do quote my reference, i would apperciate it if you do the same. or i will never concede defeat, even if people vote on and you win. That mean nothing.
2008-02-05 6:14 pm
to bingo fuel: i think he refers the 金字塔咁的果架野 as the Jagdtiger
2008-02-05 8:24 am
官方突擊砲只有兩種型號:Sturmgeschutz III系列和Sturmgeschutz IV。

Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer
Jagdpanzer IV
Panzerjager V Jagdpanther(號稱最好Jagdpanzer的官方名稱卻爲Panzerjager)
Panzerjager Tiger (P) Ferdinand / Elephant(同上一樣是Panzerjager)
Jagdpanzer VI Jagdtiger Ausf.B



2008-02-05 11:23:04 補充:
只需記住,突擊砲只有兩款,Sturmgeschutz III,Sturmgeschutz IV,認住兩款即可。區別方面,突擊砲屬於炮兵管理,驅逐戰車屬於裝甲兵管理(但重型驅逐戰車戰車在某段時間里卻屬於炮兵管!,古德林對此曾大為頭痛)。

2008-02-05 11:25:14 補充:
To 樓下:竊以爲Sd.Kfz.166 Sturmpanzer IV Brummbär更似金字塔。

2008-02-05 14:01:38 補充:
To j_hungary:M1戰車是你口個范就話口者,尼D野你就少句聲啦。1、Tank Destroyer不等於驅逐戰車驅逐戰車是日文,直接對應Jagdpanzer,Jagd是狩獵,panzer是坦克。Tank Destroyer是英文,對應的範圍就廣泛囖,對應德語除了Jagdpanzer還有Panzerjager,很多時候西方所提到的Tank Destroyer更包括裝備長身管75mm火砲之後的Sturmgeschütz。

2008-02-05 14:22:45 補充:
2、後面關於突擊砲四張圖全部有錯a、Sturmgeschütz III (75mm L/48 HE Howitzer)——這是Sturmgeschutz IV而非Sturmgeschutz III!而且主砲也不是Howitzer榴彈砲,其正式名稱是75mm StuK 40 L/48,類別是Sturmkanone加農砲。b、Sturmgeschütz IV (75mm L/48 HE Howitzer)——這一張是在以色列展出的Sturmgeschutz III。

2008-02-05 14:23:00 補充:
c、Sturmpanzer IV (150mm L/12 Howitzer)——不討論Sturmpanzer屬於什麽東東,但其主砲是重步兵砲而非榴彈砲。d、Sturmtiger (308mm Rocket Mortar)——是380mm而非308mm。

2008-02-05 14:26:00 補充:
Assault Gun will always have high angle barrel (40 - 75 degree, while tank destroyer are use horizontally (between -3.8 - 45 degree)——看到這句話,你自己去查一下,邊隻Sturmgeschütz可以有40度仰角?

2008-02-05 20:58:57 補充:
My Chinese is bad as it was not my mother tounge.....——我上面一直在講驅逐戰車起源不是中文是日文!也許你真的應該去眼科醫院看看。Sturmgeschütz屬於炮兵管,Jagdpanzer屬於裝甲兵管,這就是區別!Sturmgeschütz III不叫做Jagdpanzer III就是這個問題。請不要以西方的軍制去套德國的軍制。

2008-02-05 21:09:25 補充:
然後與題目無關的加農砲與榴彈砲區別略過,這些人人皆知。HoHo,你終于提到StuH 42了。知道全稱否?105mm Sturmhaubitze 42!中文是1942年型突擊榴彈砲。將這個硬要歸入Sturmgeschütz,無論如何是不應該的。maximum elevation of 40 and 1/3 Degree——説謊不用這樣的直接吧?你找得到一張StuH 42的火砲仰角超過20度的照片,我頭給你!

2008-02-05 21:14:07 補充:
check out 105mm leFH 18 Howitzer for more information.——check NOT 105mm leFH 18 Howitzer, BUT 105mm StuH 42 L/28 for more information!!!你自己找張Sturmgeschütz III的結構圖,看看能不能搞個40度仰角出來。

2008-02-05 21:45:13 補充:
補充一下關於古德林Heinz Wilhelm Guderian的情況。他在戰後寫了本回憶錄,中文名叫《閃擊英雄》(?),有這本書的人可以翻開看一下,德文叫Erinnerungen eines Soldaten。在其中他擔任裝甲兵總監Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen的部分就談到對Jagdpanzer和Panzerjager的管理問題。Sturmgeschütz IV的停止生産也是他的意見。

2008-02-05 21:56:33 補充:
Sturmgeschütz、Jagdpanzer、Panzerjager、Sturmpanzer和Sturmhaubitze,這一大堆自行火砲,作爲裝甲兵總監的古德林可以管得到的只有Jagdpanzer和Sturmpanzer兩種。而在古德林上任之初,Jagdpanther和Ferdinand / Elephant這兩種車輛是屬於Panzerjager,即屬於炮兵管而古德林無權管理!這一點令他極爲火滾。之後在他力爭之下才歸類為Jagdpanzer。在他中文版的回憶錄中,這一點我相信當時翻譯人員曾大為頭痛。

2008-02-05 23:09:51 補充:

2008-02-06 09:24:03 補充:
http://battletanks.com/images/Grasshopper-2.jpg這個東西嘛,你自己也可以看到的,這個東西是基於IV型坦克的底盤,和StuH 42沒什麽關係,不過Heuschrecke這種試作型自行榴彈砲有很多個試作型號,有一個的底盤的確跟III型坦克很像,但也只是很像而已。

2008-02-06 09:32:09 補充:

2008-02-06 09:43:32 補充:
突擊砲早期的A-E型,被稱爲Sd.Kfz. 142,這個時候裝備的火砲是以輕步兵砲為基礎改進的75mm StuK 37 L/24,此時主要用於支援步兵攻擊,用來反坦克很勉強。當然也不是沒有這種例子,Michael Wittmann最初就是用這種車敲T-34的,不過敲得很辛苦。
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