
2008-02-05 7:17 am
如這一些句子 :
"I know you were right
Believing for so long " 中的believing

"Imagine all the people
Living life in peace " 中的Living

"More popular Government services starting ...." 中的starting.



回答 (3)

2008-02-07 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先你要明白verb+ing (請看a) 可以構成什麼?
順便講verb+ed (請看b) 可以構成什麼?

(一) Tense

(二) Adjective

- emotional adjective
(a) It is interesting. (死物用ing(現在分詞))
(b) I was bored. (人用ed(過去分詞))

- Continous action (形作(動作)進行中)adjective
(a) I saw a running(跑步中) black cat.
- Completed action (形容(動作)己完成)adjective
(b) It is a demaged(己壞的) car.

(三) Gerund (動名詞)
(a) Verb + ing

(四) Particple (Phrase)
(a) Present Participle 表達一個 continuous and active action
(b) Past Participle 表達一個 completed and passive action.

(a) Present Participle --- Present / Past Tense(Active) 變成ing (如play/played 變成playing)
(b) Past Participle --- Present / Past Tense(Passive) 變成 p.p. / being p.p.(如was played變成played / being played

They stood at the corner. They were waiting for a bus. (Active - Present Participle)
Standing at the corner, they were waiting for a bus

The Children were amazed by the dome. They were speechless. (Passive - Past Particple)
Amazed / Being amazed by the dome, the children were speechless.


2008-02-07 12:15:39 補充:
講漏咗Perfect Particple(a) Active 變成 having + p.p. (如 has/had played 變成having played)(b) Passive 變成 having + been + p.p. (如 has/had been played 變成having been played)

2008-02-07 12:15:58 補充:
例子(a)I have brushed my teeth. I sleep.Having brushed my teeth, I sleep.例子(b)The boy had been walking for several hours. He felt tired. (Subject相同做前面)Having been walking for several hours, the boys felt tired.
2008-02-05 7:26 pm
凡是加了[ ing ]的詞都有[ 進行中 ] 的意思。


I am playing with my cat.

我 [正在] 跟我的貓玩耍。
參考: 我
2008-02-05 6:51 pm
+ing 是因為這個English 是在表示「現在」。
eg: Now I am doing my homework.內的doing.
Doing 在這兒表示「現在」。

2008-02-17 12:49:10 補充:
me the best plz

2008-02-17 12:49:50 補充:
me the best plz
參考: 老師教的。

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