3條有關化學燃料(biofuel)的問題??(請用英文作答)three question about biofuel

2008-02-05 4:11 am
1.State TWO advantages of developing biofuels?

2.What are the disadvantages of using corn to make biofuels??

3.ls biofuel a renewable engry source or a non-renewable energy source?Why??

回答 (2)

2008-02-17 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Advantages:: Renewable resources, (theoretically) using biofuel allows more complete combustion than burning fossil/oil, therefore this reduces the emission of Green-House Gases. And the by-product of Complete combustion are only CO2(G) and WATER(G). Whereas, incomplete combustion produces CO2(g), CO(g), C(g). C is toxic and carcinogenic to organisms which may become irritant to the respiratory system, leads to serious breathing problem.

2. Disadvantages:: Further research is required to increase the yield --> because it is very expensive to extract ethanol from plants... --> the process of fermentation is slow....therefore this method hasn't reach economy of scale = Expensive --> many lands/farm lands required to grow CORN / SUGAR CANES to produce ethanol for human usage...e.g. transports (cars...etc) / clearing lands which leads to deforestation --> SOME car engines are not built to use "BioFuels" hence corrosion takes place...--> BIOFUEL produces less energy (-24kj/m) than normal petrols (hydrocarbons) (-47kj/mole)

3. Biofuel is a renewable resources based on its Carbon Cycle ...(remember: photosynthesis) and plants (e.g. corn/sugar cane) can continuously reproduce/grow as soon as there are sufficient amount of nutrients available..

Hope this helps !
2008-02-05 7:02 pm
1. a. It can reduce consumption of fossil fuel.
b. Biofuel can produce from organic waste, so it can reuse other "waste".

2. Corn is a major animal feed. If usage of corn for biofuel production raise, it may affect the supply to animal farming and finally affect food supply to human.

3.Renewable since it was produced from plant tissue where CO2 can return to plany thru photosynthesis and then can use to produce biofuel again.

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