ALTO 牧童笛一問

2008-02-05 2:54 am
如果果首歌係c 音 咁用alto 係唔係吹唔到?
如果ALTO 牧童笛用高音牧童笛既指法得唔得?

回答 (2)

2008-02-05 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
ALTO 笛係可以吹到C音。
ALTO 笛用高音牧童笛o既指法係會將所有音降低左5度,換句話即係走晒音。
想吹alto 笛可以參考以下網頁o既指法︰
2008-02-07 11:05 pm
The answer can be yes or no.
The lowest note can the alto recorder play is first space F and hishest is G, but for soprano which is C and D resp. If the music is of this range, both recorder can play.
But you cannot use the soprano fingering as it will be sounded a fifth down. Check the fingering fingering first, and you will find that you need to transpose the music as you play.
For me, when I play these two recorders, I treat them as two difference instrument and memorise two set of fingering instead of transposing since I transpose slowly!!!!!
Same as tenor and bass recorder!
參考: experience

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