Reference Letter format

2008-02-05 1:39 am
之前resign 左 , 老闆叫我draft 一份 reference letter 比佢簽名, 唔知大家有冇呢d format 呢?


回答 (1)

2008-02-05 2:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that xxxx英文名 (中文名) of HKID No. xxxxxxxx(x) was employed by our company as 職位名稱from date, month, year. to date, month, year.

During his employment with us, we found his performance to be satisfactory. Mr.xxxxx left us of his own accord and we wish him every success in his future endeavors.

Yours faithfully.
Company Name


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