On the flight

2008-02-04 11:11 pm
I will go to travel on the aeroplene 8/2.
it is very dry in the aeroplane. What can i do to keep my face wet enough?

回答 (2)

2008-02-05 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
乳液 = emulson

可以噴spray, 但係好快就會揮發, 變左要隔一陣又要噴

試過用厚厚o既保濕cream/lotion, apply係手先, 有d暖之後先搽上面, 再唔夠先敷塊mask
2008-02-04 11:39 pm
use milk lotion or emulson
to keep skin moist
(every 30mins or 45 mins)
or plus cream if need

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