請幫我將以下CPU排最勁至最費. 20點

2008-02-04 9:14 pm
1. Intel Celeron M
2. Intel Celeron D
3. Intel Pentium M
4. Intel Pentium D
5. Intrel Core2
6. Intel Core
7. Intel Pentium III
8. Intel Pentium 4

1為最勁, 8為最費

Thank you

ipchikit個個應該係錯的 P4Celeron應該是勁過P3的 P4一定是勁過P3的

回答 (3)

2008-02-05 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Intel Core 2
2. Intel Core
3. Pentium D
4. Pentium 4
5. Pentium M
6. Celeron D
7. Celeron M
8. Pentium III
2008-02-04 11:37 pm
1. Desktop係冇得同Notebook用CPU直接相比...(又或者應該講...比黎冇意義)
Celeron M、Pentium M、Core係Notebook用...而Core 2都有Notebook用設計...
2. 單核同雙核各有各好處,直接比黎都係冇意義...
3. 冇一個product係可以完全高過另一個product...Pentium 4最低(1.6GHz)果d係唔夠Pentium III黎...同樣...Core2都唔係完全勁過Pentium D...

2008-02-04 19:25:38 補充:
世事無絕對...我都講左...Pentium III最高時脈版本,效能係比Pentium 4最低時脈版本高...有lee個咁樣ge情況又點樣可以斷言邊個好過邊個?唔係ge話我一早打左答案出黎la...洗講咁多道理?不過Pentium 4整體上好過Pentium III就係事實...

2008-02-05 06:21:19 補充:
樓下你點將Desktop CPU直接同Notebook CPU比?!入面d野完全唔同都可以要黎比?(記住...就連ram都係唔同的...)唔好同我講用CPU Mark...分數只係參考,實際能力要用平日用開果d software作評測。但以上又建基於一個公平平台,連RAM都完全唔一樣,又如何成立?仲有...如果你用過Intel Core Duo(Notebook)同Pentium D(Desktop)你都會發現成部Notebook整體效能不及成部desktop...至少有lee樣野令你個答案不成立。

2008-02-05 15:41:52 補充:
What I can say is, you cannot compare like this, with the point that at least there will be come place they overlap each other (Celeron D, early Pentium 4 and Pentium III are very good example...)
Desktop campare with Notebook is unfair too...
2008-02-04 9:26 pm
1. Intel Core2
2. Intel Core
3. Intel Pentium M
4. Intel Pentium 4
5. Intel Pentium D
6. Intel Pentium III
7. Intel Celeron M
8. Intel Celeron D
參考: me=]

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