
2008-02-04 8:39 pm
想問問大家知唔知呢書系咩書呢,我boss要我搵呢d資料登廣告啊!如有請給我sme 的電話號碼。

回答 (2)

2008-02-04 9:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What kind of business is your company belong to? If you are trading for product or texitle, Most probably you can check TDC.

They have HK enterprise and other categories book for advertisement.
2008-02-05 5:06 am
SME means Small and Medium Enterprises. You can get this kind of books in major bookstore e.g. Commercial Press, Book Centre etc. A good source for this kind of books in English could easily be acquired in Amazon Book in USA via internet.
For an effective and fruitful advertisement, you could look at the characteristics of these SME relative to your company. The marketing strategies of your company e.g. the products, the price, the market place and your targeted customers. These, however, have to referenced to the marketing strategies formulated by your company's competitors.
The following web-sites are quite useful to you.

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