有人坐左我地個位, 英文點講

2008-02-04 11:57 am
如題, 有人坐左我地個位, 英文點講


1. Someone got our seats.
2. Someone took our seats.
3. Someone sit our seats.

但好似唔係咁? 麻煩大家幫忙.


回答 (5)

2008-02-04 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It should be "someone has taken our seats" .

You should not use past tense because they are still occupying your seats. If the action happens in the past and continues until the moment of speaking, you should use present perfect tense ---> has taken.
Hope it helps!
參考: myself
2008-02-04 7:18 pm
有人坐左我地個位, 英文點講
No.2 - Someone took our seats (best)
or more officially:
Somebody had occupied our seats.
參考: SELF
2008-02-04 3:08 pm
Someone sat on ours.
2008-02-04 1:00 pm
someone took our seats
or someone sat on our seats
2008-02-04 12:16 pm
坐咗某人個位嘅短語: take somebody's seat
Someone (They) have taken our seats.
or: Our seats were taken./ Our seats were occupied
參考: myself

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