what is the density of sand?

2008-02-03 7:55 pm

回答 (7)

2008-02-03 7:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Density of sand can vary depending on the grain size and moisture content and how tightly it is compacted
If you dont need very accurate densities the following should help
Dry sand 1780 Kg/m3
Wet sand 1920 Kg/m3
Compacted sand 2080 Kg/m3
參考: wikianswers
2014-08-09 12:18 pm
Density of the sand can varied depending on the moisture and sand size .
Wed sand 1922 Kg/cu.m
Packed sand 2082 Kg/cu.m
Dry sand 1683 Kg/cu.m
Loose sand 1442 Kg/cu.m
2016-12-13 3:15 am
Sand Density
2016-09-30 11:39 pm
Density Of Sand
2016-03-13 6:30 pm
David H is right but it is even more complicated. Even with a given type of sand, the bulk density (how much mass fits into a given volume when you simply pour it in) depends on a lot of things including the particle size distribution, the shape of the particles, and how dry the sand is. If you have ever walked on a beach, you probably noticed that the dry sand is different to walk on than the wet sand. This is an example of how water content affects sand.
2015-08-12 10:18 am
This Site Might Help You.

what is the density of sand?
參考: density sand: https://biturl.im/x9dQe
2015-02-13 8:51 am
DENSITY OF SAND IS 1700 Kg/cu.m. used by cobel contracting, julius berger, cappa, lafarge around the world.
2014-04-15 8:17 am
others caculation

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