
2008-02-04 5:52 am
Pentium M 已經 fade out 了, 現在買到的多數是 Celeron M, Core 2 Duo 。

(1) 一般文書用途, 可以選擇的款多的是
(2) 玩 3D game, 要選有外置 display card 的 (e.g. Nvidia Geforce 8600M GT or above / ATi HD2600 or above)
(3) 輕便的, 可以考慮 Fujitsu, Sony T系 or HP, Toshiba Portege, ASUS.
(4) 外型的, 可以揀 Sony, HP
(5) Multimedia 的, 可以諗 Toshiba, HP, Sony, Asus.
(6) 商務用的, 可以揀 fujitsu, Sony, Lenovo, Toshiba Tecra.

To : 1437jimmy 好多謝你! 簡易易明,我會選你為最佳答案! Thanks again!

回答 (1)

2008-02-04 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Pentium M had been fade out. Celeron M & Core 2 Duo are mostly selling in the market rigth now.

What is your main purpose to buy a laptop?

(1) For basic computing & administration work, there are a wide range of choices.

(2) For playing 3D game, it should include external display card (e.g. Nvidia Geforce 8600M GT or above / ATi HD2600 or above)

(3) For light weigt model, you may consider Fujitsu, Sony T系 or HP, Toshiba Portege, ASUS

(4) For stylish model, you may consider Sony, HP

(5) For multimedia, you may consider Toshiba, HP, Sony, Asus

(6) For business usage, you may consider Sony, Lenovo, Toshiba Tecra

2008-02-03 23:59:07 補充:
(3) 的weigt串錯, 應是weighted

2008-02-04 09:25:35 補充:
(4) 的Sony T系..(sorry, forget to translate)..should be Sony T seriesThank you in advance for choosing me as the best answer. Cheers.

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